What name would define your life purpose?

What name might you be given at the end of your earthly life?

Gordie Jackson
3 min readJan 8, 2018
Tekels Park, Surrey photo gj0813

I fully appreciate the vests of winter with their cousins winter coat, gloves, scarf and hat. I hear it is -30 in New York City. It is cold here though not below zero, at least not during the day.

The traffic lights were on my side this morning and I got to meeting after a 7- minute drive. Like a cat, I have found my winter spot in the meeting house in the corner where the one electric heater gives out heat. I did check it was switched on this morning.

I kept my hat and scarf on until obeying some ancient notion I removed my hat. There is always one or two who are already in the meeting room and once someone is in the meeting has begun. There is no school bell although it was formerly a schoolhouse. There is something of a silent bell as like us when school kids everyone seems to pile in at 10 30 am. They are quiet of course except for the babies and toddlers. The older kids whispers can be heard above the silence. We sit in circles. I guess you could imagine Christ being in the centre also being silent until and if prompted to speak.

The noises of the children were amusing me and I did think, “Where else would you get children and babies present while others sit contemplating, meditating or being in silence?”

Is that not true? Have you seen children in yoga sessions are meditations groups? Perhaps my experience is limited.

A friend stood and spoke. She spoke of the Lily and how it comes from a dark place at the base of the pond and almost has to will itself to break from the darkness into the water and then to rise to the surface before it flowers. As she spoke I could see the picture clearly, an inspirational metaphor for our lives. She added that she had considered renaming herself, Lily.

This imagery ignited my own interior world. The Bible is full of name changes the most well know are Jacob whose name was changed to Israel and Saul whose name was changed to Paul.

Mary was told to give her son the name Jesus while most of us are given names that at least one of our parents liked. In Revelation, we read that those in heaven will be given a new name.

So what if our life is summed up in the Lily? That from the darkness of the womb we are to spring forth and make our way to heaven and populate its flower beds?

What name would define your life purpose? What name might you be given at the end of your earthly life?

A few years ago while in one of my interior adventures I sensed my name was ‘Flame’ in the spirit world ( some of you think I have gone mad). Flame has no time for outward appearances only that they concealed by them, the true life that of the eternal spirit / flame.




Gordie Jackson
Gordie Jackson

Written by Gordie Jackson

Speaks with a Northern Irish accent, lives in Hertfordshire, England.

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