Welcoming Spring

A Spring Equinox international gathering on Zoom

Gordie Jackson
2 min readMar 19, 2023
Photo by Arno Smit on Unsplash

We met as people tonight on zoom. People of faiths but on an occasion that we all experience, the Spring Equinox. Below was what came to me.

If I were a tree I feel life pulsating within me as everything pushes to bloom.

As autumn was ending all those that bloomed last year left and I went into the darkness where life begins, again.

Those who have left are making way for those who are coming.

It is in the winter that the work is going on having taken from summer and given in autumn so as to produce new work in Spring.

The tree says to me, “So what is your new work?” “What is coming?”

“Tree I can feel like I go through the four seasons four times in the day.

The mornings have been winter as they so were so dark until Spring started to show up.

The spring in my day didn't really start until 2 30 in the afternoon.

It makes me wonder if I should take a leaf from you. You cast off and go inward.

Ah, I see you are helping me now, I can see that I was inward in winter.

Home early evening, dim the lights, turn on the heating and the stove.

Spring changes things.

The light calls us out of ourselves, it tells us that as we were in the dark so was the rest of creation, we were all weaving something in the darkness now the light will reveal our works.

I asked some friends about Spring this is what they said,


Yes out of the darkness and all that entails and into the light!!!

so from a frown to a smile. More doggie walks and listening to nature, appreciating all around you. More spins on the scooter

Be happy to see the back of Winter and all that dread and darkness. Feelings of gloom.


Here’s literally how Spring looks to me here: cold (about zero) and beautiful!

Figuratively speaking, spring looks scary and cold to me at this moment.

On the world front, of course, everything is troubling. So much war, so many disasters, so much greed and hate…. Here in the States we’re dealing with a political climate that is terrifying to me….

I’m just trying to stay calm, kind, and mindful of all the beauty in the world around me at this moment.




Gordie Jackson

Speaks with a Northern Irish accent, lives in Hertfordshire, England.