There is an order, what is your place in it?

I wonder how many of us are being influenced by the snippets of social media that we catch as we scroll.
The one above caught my eye and from it, I learned something. It is for the parents, the elders to teach the pups. She is how she is and in turn, they settle. They need her to learn.
I am watching the birds at the duck pond. The Cootes have had their families as with the Mallards and the Swans. And all their young stay close to their elder.
It has served to reinforce to me my need to be an elder as I declared last night, “ I am the head of house. It is for me to set the standards and expectations of this family.” T thinks her dad is stressed. Maybe but I have been birdwatching and I can see there is an order to things and I need to do what I see the elders of the animal kingdom doing and if it takes a bark, I’ll bark.
Best day,