The questions that weren’t asked!

School reunion on Zoom

Gordie Jackson
3 min readNov 29, 2020
PC starters 1985 zoom reunion 28/11/2020

Zoom always creates anticipation right up to seeing the first guest arrive and it continues as folks continue to appear in the waiting room. I knew zoom only gives 40 minutes free and was wondering whether there a limit on the number it would allow in. We only had to re-enter once as zoom decided to be generous and gave us unlimited time!

The next consideration is, ‘How will this work?” Yes, we have the people but zoom is a new social experience and we are still working out our cues to come in, mixed in with wi-fi problems, audio problems and occasionally camera problems.

I had prepared a list of questions in the event that we needed to be aided, we didn’t. Today I thought I would share them and give my answers without doing too much thinking. Now if I show you mine you have to show me yours.

Is there any event at PC that stands out for you?

There is a photo of an event that stands out for me. It was when the Rugby team were in the Ulster Schools final (at least I think it was the final). There are Colie and Kano in the photo with McQuitty on the field. The photo somehow captures all the memories.

What book do you remember reading at the College or Junior High that stood out for you?

It has to The Hobbit which was at Clounagh. Of an afternoon we would spend time reading the current book aloud around the class. The Hobbit for me was a story about life and how others influence you to where you get even if you never see them again.

Describe the qualities of a great teacher?

Who you are when you stand away from your subject. It is the teacher’s humanness, the ability to connect with their student regardless of the subject. Even if the students don’t connect with the subject they will learn from who the teacher is.

What was your favourite piece of music at this time?

The one I remember dancing to most in The Coach was Rick Astley.

What did you think of the other Junior High before you went to the College?

Well, the rivalry was between Clounagh and Killicomaine. Their plays were certainly not as fun as ours. As I recall they went for plays we went for musicals. There was a perception (that great word and state) that Killicomaine was brighter than we.

I was fortunate to get to know people like Blackie and Colie through the cadets who went to Killicomaine and they seemed as normal as us.

I think I know as many who went to Killicomaine as Clounagh, what brought us together was a certain degree of crazy.

What was your favourite food from the school canteen?

The chips always tasted good and the jelly and ice-cream.

What was your favourite hymn at Assembly?

School hymns that stay with me are Stand up stand for Jesus and O Jesus I have promised

What careers did you request further information?

Barrister and solicitor. This was actually at Clounagh. Now from where did those ideas come?

Do you still have a toy from childhood?

Yes, Starsky.

What is your favourite quote?

“If you are not yourself who will be?”

Have you ever had to excuse yourself from a professional meeting for laughing?

What do you think? Of course, some things never change.

Now it’s your turn are you willing to share your answers? Go on, ah go on, go on.




Gordie Jackson
Gordie Jackson

Written by Gordie Jackson

Speaks with a Northern Irish accent, lives in Hertfordshire, England.

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