The Glory of the week

Gordie Jackson
2 min readFeb 6, 2021
Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

I have recently replied when I have been asked how was my week, “Which day and which hour?”

On Sunday I became aware of the presence of the one other with me at the Meeting for Worship in the meetinghouse. I wondered whether the presence I felt could also convey the presence of God.

On Monday as we followed the theme of prayer at Elijah I became more aware that regardless of the form it is a universal practice. For those who do pray it seems to be an attempt to reconnect with the origin of our lives.

On Tuesday I was reconnected with a washing machine as the old one was taken and the new one installed. Was I like the woman who lost her coin and then when she found it she rejoiced?

By Wednesday I could see the end of the week as I gave myself to phone calls and the drama of each one, storytelling by headphones frees the imagination to create its own scenes in each.

Thursday venturing into the world and experiencing a week in one day leaving me tired but also with a Friday feeling on a Thursday.

Friday is the final lap of ‘the week within the week’ and somehow a surge of energy came through to do more than is normally done. A knock on the door led to a meal being received but too late eating led to an early rise as the body's digestive system was awake.

Here we are in Saturday when I got to play with my new toy and got my clothes cleaned. Joining also with this guy Jamie and his gatherings on zoom is connecting and building something that will only tell in time.


Videos inspired by Jamie Catto sessions



Gordie Jackson

Speaks with a Northern Irish accent, lives in Hertfordshire, England.