St Alban’s Faith and Culture Enterprise

Continuing my search for a local Interfaith Group

Gordie Jackson
3 min read6 days ago
Photo by jen ramona on Unsplash

Since attending the Elijah Interfaith Summer Schools in 2020 by Zoom and 2022 in Jerusalem I have been looking for a local St Alban interfaith group. I attended a launch event a few years ago at the Cathedral but heard nothing more.

I bumped into Faith and Culture and Enterprise (FACE) on Saturday at the Albans Pilgrimage. I had heard of it but had not experienced it. I was invited to attend one of their meetings yesterday evening.

Andrene McDonald is the Chair of FACE. She is supported by Peggy Sharp, St Albans Council’s Equality officer. Three council employees were in attendance. They also took the minutes and presented on community engagement and the Parliamentary elections.

I attended as an individual as did the former Mayoress.

There were organisational representatives from

The Living room

Communities First


Faith communities were also represented.

Hare Krishna Temple

St Albans Masorti Synagogue

City Church

Anna Chaplaincy

Local councillor Jenny Murray was also in attendance.

There was a presentation from Greener Together

Equality Diversity Inclusion (EDI) update

A participant gave an update on this working group.

Democratic Services gave an update on the elections

An update was given on Albans and Windrush day

It is good to see Faith, cultural groups, and community organisations working with the council. It is a great example of how a resident can connect with the council, be aware of its projects and contribute to them.

So although I see the benefits of such a group my search is for an interfaith group that meets in an informal setting in which we share our faith.




Gordie Jackson

Speaks with a Northern Irish accent, lives in Hertfordshire, England.