Sharing coffee as a goodbye ritual

“If we reach the coffee we have succeeded in getting to the end without either falling off.”

Gordie Jackson
1 min readJun 7, 2024
Photo by Wade Austin Ellis on Unsplash

I spend a large part of my time talking. Yes, there is the “Hello, how are you?” and then there is the time set aside to talk. I am the listener and the reflector although I often throw in my own little stories or thoughts.

The purpose is to assist individuals reduce those habits that have caused concern.

On average I see an individual for 18 months about 25 times. When we meet we have around 45 minutes together. When we meet for the last time I usually invite the person to have a coffee in a cafe.

In a cafe, we are two humans having coffee often reflecting on the highlights and lowlights of our 18 months journey. If we reach the coffee we have succeeded in getting to the end without either falling off.

For the individual 18 months can seem like a long time but usually as we continue a rhythm develops that carries us through to the end.

Somehow that coffee facilitates a farewell and good luck.




Gordie Jackson

Speaks with a Northern Irish accent, lives in Hertfordshire, England.