“Please do not make me angry as you will not like me angry”

In the time it takes me to drink this cappuccio

Gordie Jackson
2 min readNov 25, 2023
Photo by Siavash Ghanbari on Unsplash

I can feel guilt when what I call ‘The old Gordi’ shows up. He did yesterday. I was completing documents when suddenly someone appeared demanding that I leave. Suddenly he appeared. There is something about people giving no choice that resurrects him. I often think of Billie Bixby who played ‘The Incredible Hulk’ saying, “Please do not make me angry as you will not like me angry.” I mean he is present before I have time to say, “I thought you were dead”.

So he said what he said which was letting the person making the demand know he thought it unreasonable. He has the knack of being short and sharp. I packed up while he glared although he was only glaring at what I was packing up. He said little as I exited.

Truth is old he may be but he did have a point, the request was demanding and unreasonable. The new me would like to think an integrated approach of the old and new would have asked in an enquiring tone, “Why is that?” and then complied with the request. But then in one sense ‘How boring!’ Sometimes people do make us angry or annoyed and it is ok to let them know.




Gordie Jackson

Speaks with a Northern Irish accent, lives in Hertfordshire, England.