Love brought us back, again and again

Gordie Jackson
2 min readMar 24, 2018


Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

It is at this time of year that I recall the story of Hanna. Hanna and her partner had not conceived a child despite being together for a time. This caused Hanna untold heartache. She poured out her pain in her prayers to God. After a time she conceived and gave birth to a son. She promised that as God had answered her prayers that she would give him up at the age of seven to God.

For seven years Hanna and her partner loved their son Sam. She valued every minute with him as she knew that on his seventh birthday she would go to the temple and hand Sam over to the work of God.

His seventh birthday should have been a celebration but both Samuel and his mother knew this was the day their relationship would change. She brought him to the temple and handed him over to Eli, the priest. Hanna had cried much for a child and now she cried much that her child was now separated from her though she desired to remain faithful to her promise. There was one concession Hanna could visit Sam once a year. Each year she would buy him a new coat before she made her way to the temple. Hanna for weeks leading up to the visit would become excited as if feeling the pangs of pregnancy all over again. Indeed she had given birth to more children since Sam departure. She would never forget the nine months of being pregnant with Sam, each day she was grateful until the day came of his birth and then she was overjoyed. She learned to live in the day and be grateful as each day unfolded. This continued throughout the seven years and the years following. This did not mean she did not have days of despair and days of joy, but whatever the day brought she gave thanks.

She learned not to live for the day she saw Sam but live the day and the day of Sam would come.

For the last 30 years, I have visited Birmingham almost every year. In 1988 it was in Birmingham at the Eurofire conference that I had a dream that changed my life. I was 17 at the time. In summary in the dream, I saw the words Christ Unites Ireland. From Birmingham, I returned home and for 3 years I was guided by that dream in what I did. Birmingham remains a special place in my heart and as if to bind me to the city Joan and Jimmy a couple from Ireland who had made their home there became as spiritual godparents to me.

Like Hanna, we make annual trips to those we love.




Gordie Jackson
Gordie Jackson

Written by Gordie Jackson

Speaks with a Northern Irish accent, lives in Hertfordshire, England.

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