Living beyond the mind
Jamie is at his desk completing a task when he goes looking for an email. In looking, he discovers another email that grabs his attention. It tells him to attend a meeting in three days and prepare a report, which will be the subject of the meeting. He is enraged given his schedule and the short notice.
The scenario makes me think of the conditioned mind, conditioned by the environment in which we were raised. I can identify with Jamie, yet I believe that we are beyond the mind; we do not need to react to the conditioned mind. I try to watch mine like a film. I need not be a character in it. I admit the dramas it creates distract me more than a TV channel. I watch the character known as ‘Gordie’ for most of his waking hours. I struggle to turn him off.
It is not that the conditioned mind is always wrong. In my character's case, it is the depth of emotions that it provokes and the worry loop it creates. The character becomes preoccupied with it to the degree that they pull him away from the moment.
Watching the mind like a film helps me create space between my conditioning and life. Life is about living and the living, I have in mind is without worry. Somehow it is beyond the mind yet so often it seems the mind is dominating life. I am seeking a way to be free from the dominance of the mind and live.