Life in all its fullness

Sunday 29th March 2020 — UK lockdown day 4 — CC day 14

Gordie Jackson
3 min readMar 31, 2020
The River Colne at Colney

In the UK the clocks moved forward an hour. Even this moment seemed to be subsumed by CVD 19.

Sunday marks another 7 days and is also the day I gather with my Quaker community. Sundays have always been different, the day when we are more mindful of God and more likely to rest.

I am not quite sure the reasons but it felt like we had achieved something. Maybe 7 days is a good time to reflect on the week, put behind us anything that wasn’t particularly good whether of ourselves or of others. I also felt like I wanted to celebrate. All the feelings of the week needed a release so on my walk (as below) I began to sing. As said whatever I do here I probably do first for myself, this is what I need, this is how I am feeling but also I have a belief that as I do it it may help another. I know I am helped by others when they share themselves.

Happy to receive a video of your song or whatever helps release your emotions

We met for worship online and spent the best part of an hour talking afterwards. There were five voices that spoke out of the silence all giving perspective, the one I remember spoke of our need to remember those in others countries who can’t afford to not work and or who live in difficult conditions which means they can’t easily all stay indoors.

Online, meetings are changing how we do things. Voices are being heard more than in physical meetings. I had wondered whether I may sing in meeting given my experience earlier in the morning and the need within me to breakthrough the emotions that had clogged my spirit. In the after-meeting, I spoke about this and one friend asked, “ Would you like to sing now?” I am not sure I would have if we were in the physical meeting room but maybe because I was alone at home ( T was still sleeping) I went for it and the release did leave me with a mix of emotions. I felt so buoyed that it took me 2 hours to settle.

In the afternoon via FaceBook I joined Marble Collegiate Church, New York City. Below is Michael’s sermon. I decided to turn it into a Watch Party which allows others to join you in viewing. Again I believe what helps me can help others so why not share.

That said in this time I am realising I am turning to God in a way another may turn to soccer. Here am I watching and participating in all these religious gatherings in the same way a soccer fan watches and participates in their football. In that, I appreciate that just as soccer has no appeal to me neither has religion for others.

It isn’t all religious viewing as I dip into this initiative #TogetherAtHome

I did join a daily chat group on-line hosted by Friends in the early evening. There were 5 or 6 of us but in participating I could see how we were reducing the isolation.

My daughter seems to have some of my traits as she tuned into her church which is a church for students at her university. I did hear a comment spoken by the preacher, he was saying that perhaps we are all being dominated by Coronavirus and not seeing what else is going on in life. That got me thinking and I thought, “ Yes maybe it is time I shift how I have been approaching this.” I assume how and if I do will show itself on these pages.





Gordie Jackson

Speaks with a Northern Irish accent, lives in Hertfordshire, England.