“I don’t know what love is — what truly loving somebody really feels like.” Kinza Kuroi

Gordie Jackson
5 min readFeb 9, 2018


photo source: https://totescute.com/four-types-of-love-greek-style/

Today I stumbled on an article about love, initially Gonçalo Ferreira response and then Kinza Kuroi article to which he was replying. Below you will find the writings and my responses. Why not give yours.

And finding love is about finding someone who suddenly makes it all not so hard anymore.

Hi Gonçalo Ferreira, thanks for your recent encouragement. I identify with this sentence though I wonder of what type of love we speak. Usually, this feeling comes from a romantic ‘falling in love’ usually connected with a bit of lust disguised in sexual love. Your sentence makes me think how often do we get excited about meeting a new friend. Do we find love or do some people excite us in our loins. Right now I can think of someone who excites me but I think it is lust driving it.

Life being life when we find this exhilarating love it comes with a cost. Like a glossy new book the more time we spend with it the more familiar it becomes. best, g

I’m a fraud. I write about love, but I don’t know what I’m writing about. I don’t know what love is — what truly loving somebody really feels like.

Hi Kinza Kuroi, I was led to your article by Gonçalo Ferreira response. I think we want words to explain to us what something is; in this case love. We all have such ideas (stories) of what it is that we don’t recognise what another speaks. Your question/ story has my brain goggling. I have felt love from an old lady I hardly knew when I was a young child. She invited me to her house for tea and sandwiches. When I got there she served me the tea and the sandwiches and let me watch the cartoons on TV. I was probably only 7 but that experience stays with me. She may not have called it love but for me I judged it as love. I did not call it love as a child I probably didn’t know what love meant but as I grew the feeling the experience gave to me was what I would call love. I am not sure why she expressed it and maybe she thought she was just entertaining a little boy but simply by looking after me without any reason conveyed something to me. You see she was not asked to have me and now that I come to think of it it was one of the few occasions that someone took the initiative.

Actually, as I write another woman comes to mind. She was the mother of a childhood friend and she was involved with the church that I found myself in. Again I didn’t know at the time but as life went on I came to realise that woman was nurturing me by providing a place for me in her family.

I think there are lots of us who love though are unable to express our love.

I can also think of school teacher who gave me time and again it was only in looking back that I recognise it as love. I don’t know whether they would have considered it love though from where I sit now I remember the feeling their actions conveyed and no other word comes to mind.

For now, g

I have been in love with the idea of someone

Hi Kinza Kuroi, I think we all have. Some would say that is exactly what we think love is, certainly romantic/lust fuelled. g

I want to continue with remembering when I felt what I would name as love. I regularly found myself at my respective grandmothers homes. Both very different people though I felt at home in their home. I do think if you feel comfortable in someone’s home and with the someone you feel love.

Kindness is a type of love and I know I respond to kindness like a duck to water. I love kindness and kindness loves me. A couple come to mind from whom I have only known kindness. And then comes to mind another couple who made me feel like one of their sons. I have sisters and brothers born from what I can only describe as love. Most of who know that I love them. Love is extended from us to others though they may not receive it as such or want it. I think of one person who I think shrinks back from my enthusiasm most of the others roll their eyes but know ‘that is me.’

You see it is only us that knows love. I have recalled experiences of love though I am not sure whether the giver would call it love. That doesn’t matter I received it and named it love. Similarly, when I give love the receiver may not translate it as such. Perhaps somewhere in the transaction magic is being worked that takes our efforts and makes it love.

They tell me in the greek there are four types of love, Agape, Storge, Phileo, and Eros. My quick definition, Agape — an unconditional love, Storge — a love within a family, Phileo — a love between friends, Eros — a love that is sexual.

Eros is probably best tamed within a relationship that first found Phileo as without Phileo it is as lust. That said I do recall a relationship that first found lust became phileo.

I think the perfect love is that for one’s child that is the deepest love I have ever experienced. That may well be agape which is an unconditional love. The unconditional love that I have experienced is from God. I couldn’t tell you how it broke through to me but from when I came remember to right this night I have never doubted that God loves me totally without condition. I have yet to meet God face to face but I know God’s love. I would go so far to say that it is it that is responsible for any good I do.




Gordie Jackson
Gordie Jackson

Written by Gordie Jackson

Speaks with a Northern Irish accent, lives in Hertfordshire, England.

Responses (3)