Friends, Romans and a decaying tooth

Sunday 27th June 2021

Gordie Jackson
2 min readJun 29, 2021
St Albans Pilgrimage 2019 gj archive

Do you have a certain time for tasks that feel like work? Mine seems to be early on Sunday morning. If I am sharp I can be up at 6 am. This week I had numerous forms to look over sent from the solicitor. Who knew that a lease extension would involve so much? It is almost as if I am buying all over again. There was so much that I had to leave it to go to Meeting.

I continue to observe the changes that Covid and our response to it have changed how we come together as a Faith community. Pre Covid when you entered the Meeting Room within the Meetinghouse you encountered only silence. It is understood that there is no talking upon entry. Well, that is now blown apart as we concern ourselves with opening windows, doors and ensuring we have the computer and the projector working. There is activity like never before which naturally encourages us to talk with each other. We have managed to retain an agreed silence as the clock hits 10 30 am.

In my danderings (Northern Irish for wandering) I came across the St Alban Pilgrimage (see video). Good to see it back after last year’s absence. St Albans, the city was named after Alban the first English Christian martyr. He was beheaded when the Romans occupied the place in 305 AD

When I returned home I also returned to those forms. I have something of a mini panic every time I am asked for a document that is somewhere amongst the numerous files.

Tee arrived back from her trip to Spain. She didn't stay home long as perhaps not unlike her father she had left clearing her uni room til the last few days.

I felt something hard as my mouth did it work on my late dinner. Not a great sight when I extract a bit of tooth. It is as if I am falling apart (you are aware I am dramatic). I love perfection, I struggle when such things occur. It has the effect of putting a crack through my world.

I don’t sleep well dreading the call to the dentist. He is a good dentist I just don’t like stepping outside my routine and I fear what he may tell me.




Gordie Jackson

Speaks with a Northern Irish accent, lives in Hertfordshire, England.