Friday 20th March 2020

Coronavirus Challenge day 5, writing my way through it

Gordie Jackson
3 min readMar 21, 2020

It is actually 01 48 hours on Saturday 21st March 2020. Unusual times brings about unusual times.

I am distracted hence I don’t seem to be getting done what needs to be done which is putting me behind making me concerned and then doing more from home.

The 84 will be changing its timetable from Monday. Did the driver say a Saturday service? Still more people on the bus than the train.

Got to the station and learn that Thameslink will be revising their timetable from Monday, not clear which timetable it will be running as in a Saturday or Sunday Service.

We are all getting to know who is sticking with their routines as less of us are around. Begining to remind me of how people act in smaller towns and villages. The paradox of social distancing is bringing us together.

In Mr Slim’s one customer asked, “Where is God in this?” I mean you could ask that question about anything. I said, “We are God” ( by which I meant we are all God in that the life that animates us is God) followed by, “ We are life”. I think he thought, “Who is this guy?”

But come on are we expecting a perfect world? When do we ever expect that knowing how imperfect we are? Life is life and this life we know brings joy and sorrow.

I get to Luton and Nizam informs me he will close for two weeks today. Did he get a premonition of what Boris announced at 5 pm?

I am really appreciating those I see as it seems it would be easy for people to lose contact at this time.

I am contacting people on Facebook, text, email just to connect with them. It is telling me who matters even if I haven't seen them for a while.

I am concerned about some expectations to ‘keep the show on the road’. I and others are not exempt from the psychology of the impact of this virus that is affecting us all yet more is being asked. There is only so much time in the day as always and only so much can be done never mind more.

I seem best in the mornings as I move from home to the bus stop from the bus stop to Mr Slim’s to the train to Nizam’s and then when what has to be done begins my concerns rise. I look forward to the break at lunchtime and even more the reverse trip home.

I got back to St Albans train station a bit earlier than usual today so I took a walk into the centre. I was surprised to see so many signs on businesses changing opening hours due to the virus.

It seems everyone is in perpetual shopper mode. I thought after ‘empty basket syndrome’ yesterday I should pop into Tesco’s. I managed to get Oat milk after being directed by the staff to a trolley that had just been rolled out. Another kindly opened a box with Pasta and gave me two packets. I am slipping into the category of ‘panic-buyer’. I could feel that fear that seems to have beset so many ‘ I may not have food to eat’.

I called in at Pret a Manger. They had no coconut milk. They also had only me and another as the last customers. They too must have been alert to Boris’s plans. It wasn't yet 5 pm when he does his daily briefing.

I turned on the news after I spent time trying to catch up with where I should be.

So bars, restaurants, theatres and cinemas will not open on Saturday apart from where possible they can operate a takeaway service. Each day what we knew as normal is being diminished. I could wonder why the information has changed so quickly or I could think that we needed a little time to prepare ourselves.

There are always contradictions the one in my mind is the one about social distancing yet it seems it is turned on in some moments and turned off in others.

Best, g



Gordie Jackson

Speaks with a Northern Irish accent, lives in Hertfordshire, England.