Fear may be the first response but it doesn't have to be the final one

Gordie Jackson
Mar 20, 2024
Photo by gordie jackson on Unsplash

I have realised that things will come my way, an email, a person to which my conditioned self reacts with fear. But I have also realised that the conditioned self is ‘a self based on conditioning’. There are other selves which one is the best?

The one that says, “This is an email, a person, you are the magician, what do you want to turn them into, a white rabbit?

Fear may be our first response but we can have more. Let’s entertain them and see which may be the best.

For if I go with fear which I often do I dim the light within. Why don’t I expose whatever to the light and see it transformed?




Gordie Jackson

Speaks with a Northern Irish accent, lives in Hertfordshire, England.