Everyone seems normal until you get to know them
I have always liked Postcards. I even have a small collection gathered over the years. People in these parts, on the whole, don’t send postcards like they once did, a casualty of a digital age.
I have tried to join the two with what I call Facebook postcards. You take a pic on holiday, tag your friend, write a message and post it #facebookpostcard
I still like postcards as they catch a phrase and highlight it. I came across ‘a stand’ walking through London the other week one of which is the above. The statement causes me to think is it True or False? If I ponder a while longer I find myself thinking about the various stages of friendships and relationships.
Is the most exciting part of a romantic relationship at the start? At the start, we are in love with everything good we see about the other. It’s a bit like a new car or a new place to live you only really get to know it when you find something you didn’t expect or something stops working. We can only get to know a partner as we journey together and they see how we react to life and we see their reactions.
It is similar with friendships we can initially warm to a person only in time to realise that like a cup of tea the longer you know them the colder you feel. Other could have the microwave effect we start frozen but every second with them brings out the best in us.
Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. I think the normal here is our public faces, our best sides but there is also another normal the private side. That part of us that as we get to know them we learn that they have insecurities, fears, hopes, dreams, hurts, loves just like us.
In the best friendships and relationships normal becomes extraordinary for then we have learned that this person will do a lot for us just because we are their friend.