Download — Love or Fear — which do you chose?
I was pretty much fuming last night though I recognise that fear got the better part of me. I didn’t help that in my hurry to let Cee have the car I left my phone in it. It also didn’t help that what I thought was communicated was not received at Cee’s end. All that said I allowed Fear to take over.
I am beginning to see Fear as a character who lives with me. I am a bit like ‘The Old woman who lived in a shoe and had so many children she didn’t know what to do.’ I have many characters living within my shoe some are good and others when under control tolerable.
The other day when I was driving into Gatwick Airport I said, “Right Fear are you strapped in and with you dummy/soother in your mouth because I do not want to hear from you?” Strangely he remained silent. Not so last night he was telling me all sorts of things could happen to the car with Cee driving without me. He did seem more concerned about the car than Cee. I tried to distract myself and did for a time though as the time got later I allowed Fear to take centre stage.
The good thing about a new day is it is a new day. As the sun sets on one day we should let all the ‘not so good parts of the day’ go with it. This morning I asked Cee if she wanted to drop me off at the Meeting house and then her mum could drive for a time with her. She was keen and offered to pick me up.
We had some Friends visiting from Pennsylvania and they brought with them their excitement into the meeting room. I seem to have my head so buried into Medium or rather the lifestyle it has evoked that I now often miss the news. It is often now at meeting that I catch a sense of what is going on in the world. Concern was voiced about the threat of a nuclear war between North Korea and the US and the clashes yesterday in Charlottesville, Virginia.
My own sense, particularly in relation to the Nuclear threat, is similar to my own thoughts about fear generally that we, I, are a people of faith for a reason. We have known fear and so we have sought as an antidote to it, faith. Many of us are drawn to ‘the teacher’ as he deals so much with the issue of fear and how to rise up against it with faith.
Marianne Williamson is a great communicator amongst us who seeks to help us become our best selves. I was watching her lecture on Tuesday night in NYC and I was left with her illustration of us playing out a download in our lives, do we chose to download love or fear? She believes, as do I, that love is the original template of our lives though along the way it got replaced with fear.
It is fear that generates threats of war and it is fear that causes violence between one group and another.
Someone said it this morning though then I didn’t know it was a quote by William Penn, “Let’s see what love can do.” Let’s see.