Be free! Stay free!

Gordie Jackson
3 min readMar 28, 2018


Photo by Levi Guzman on Unsplash

The Passover is the high point in the Jewish year. Many people don’t seem to know the link between the Passover and my destiny. I had not planned it this way though ‘the father’ has a way of making things coincide. The Temple remains and is the central focus in Judaism. The place is thronged with people here to remember the Passover. If you don’t know what Passover is and many seem not to it comes from the Angel of Death passing over the homes of the Jews that had pasted the lintels of their doors in blood. Unfortunately, every Egyptian household lost their first born son to the Angel.

At this point many are confused so let me tell you the context or rather the story, context sounds too technical. The people of Israel had gone to live in Egypt after a famine engulfed their land. If you know the story of Joseph, no not my earthly father, the one with the multicoloured coat you will know that once reconciled with his brothers he invited the whole family to join him in Egypt. Well, this was fine for a generation or two but then they were seen as an immigrant problem. They were enslaved though in time Moses would become their leader to freedom and eventually they would return to their land. There were 10 plagues on the Egyptians before their King ( Pharoah) decided to let the Israelites go and then it was due to what was from then on Passover.

Hence the Passover began an annual celebration when the Jewish people would remember that YHWH ( God to many ) (‘ the father’ to me) delivered them from their oppressor.

While it is good to remember and be grateful for the past we must not remain in it for ‘the father’ is present and desires a relationship based not only in the past but the now. You know how it is when people relate to you how they knew you not as you now are? You get that feeling that they prefer your past self than your present self.

I have this desire that people rediscover the power of the Passover now even though it will mean I am dead before Saturday. I have come out of the hotel and walked among the people. I flick through the papers in the coffee bar and can see that everything that I have said is being analysed.

“Excuse me you are Eashoa?”

Yes, is that camera switched on?

“It is. We want to know are you and your followers likely to disrupt Passover celebrations?”

If it takes disruption to bring new light to old ways then we continuously disrupt.

I am noticing a crowd gathering around me and the camera crew. The clergy are hovering.

When the father freed our people from Egypt he did not free them to become slaves again albeit to dogma or religion. He desires that all people are free from oppression whether that is by a regime or a religion. We as people are good at remembrance yet if the very thing that we remember were to happen we may question it and maybe even find ourselves on the wrong side. The father desires a today relationship with us. We limit him and indeed my language limits him when we keep him tied to a God of the past. As real as the sun rising every day he desires that we know him new every morning. In that, there is life and life in its abundance. As much as the earth provides for us daily so he desires a daily relationship.

It is getting noisy, people are shouting at each other as to whether what I say is right or wrong, the camera is loving it. I am out of here.




Gordie Jackson
Gordie Jackson

Written by Gordie Jackson

Speaks with a Northern Irish accent, lives in Hertfordshire, England.

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