“A little birdie told me…..”
When I was a kid an adult would often start a conversation with the words, “A little birdie told me……” They would go onto to tell me something good that had happened in my life or was going to happen.
I remember thinking, “ Did a little bird really tell him?” I would then imagine a bird that could talk to humans.
Each night as I come to write it feels like that ‘little birdie’ comes down from the night sky, flies through the open window and whispers stories in my ear.
At primary school I would sit enthralled as a teacher would read us stories from the Bible. My imagination latched upon those stories and brought me to places I have not yet visited.
One story told of how when Moses led the Children of Israel out into the wilderness the people complained that they were starving and would die in the desert. They wanted freedom but they didn’t want to fly.
God was gracious to them and each day he would provide them with bread in the morning and quails in the evening. On the 6th day, he would double the supply in order to honour the 7th day.
This story comes to mind as I have begun this journey, this beginning to fly. The story tells us that your needs will be provided but fresh each day and that the people had to trust that the bread would appear each day.
And so each evening I wait for, ‘A little birdie’ to come and whisper in my ear.
It is so exciting to live in the day and trusting that my needs for the day will be provided.
Life is not poor, it has an abundance and it is happy to give and give to us asking only that we take enough for the day and use it. It does not want us hoarding out of fear that the source will dry up but it asks that each day as the bread is fresh we too come fresh in faith, trust and anticipation.